Creating Pathways To Prosperity
Everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed. Ukinebo Dare believes that no intervention is complete until it puts people on a path where they can conitinue to grow by themselves. Discover the projects and causes through which Ukinebo O. Dare fights unemployment and poverty in her different roles. On 'The Impact Blog' you can learn even more about strategic you can implement in your community, state or country to create jobs and empower people to create a better life for themselves.

Creating Jobs through ICT and Innovation

ICT and Digital Design Academy
Role: Project Director
Partners: Butterfly Works, Oxfam International
Beneficiaries: Over 350 Youth in under-served communities in Lagos State with no access to University Education
Kicked off: 2016

Part of a Global Network of Bits Schools, Ekobits is a youth-based social enterprise that uses ICT to improve the lives of less privileged youths through training on computer appreciation, coding and programming, graphics design etcetera. The target population for Ekobits are youth from marginalized communities in Lagos, Nigeria.

Edo Innovates
Leveraging on technology for job creation and enterprise development
Vision: Mr. Godwin Obaseki, Exec Gov. Edo State
Role: Project Director
Partners: Microsoft, IBM, Coven Works, Amazon, Facebook e.t.c
Beneficiaries: Over 13,000 Individuals and Entrepreneurs in Edo State
Kicked Off: June 2018

EdoInnovates is an initiative of Mr. Godwin Obaseki and was setup under his guidance by Ukinebo Dare and the EdoJobs team to connect young people to jobs in the tech sector and to support the development of tech-enabled businesses. The hub provides 3 major services including:
- Jobs in I.T: - Training and Certification as well job matching services
- Entrepreneurship Development: - Startup incubation, SME acceleration, improved access to funds and markets e.t.c
- An Enabling Environment: - Co-Working spaces, Training halls, Internet, Power e.t.c

ICT and Digital Design Academy
Partners: EdoJobs, Butterfly Works, Oxfam International
Beneficiaries: Over 50 Youth in under-served communities in Edo State with limited access to University Education
Kicked off: 2018

Employability Skills and Job Matching

Job Matching Portal and Programs
Vision: Mr. Godwin Obaseki
Organisation: Edo State Skills Development Agency
Beneficiaries: Over 30,000 unemployed or underemployed individuals in Edo State, have been matched to jobs
Partners: Private and Public Sector Employers in Edo State
Portal Launched: March, 2018
Site: edojobs.edostate.gov.ng

The EdoJobs job-matching portal was set up by Ukinebo Dare and her team at the request of His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Obaseki (Executive Governor of Edo State). The portal ensures transparency into the job matching process by giving the general public access to see all available jobs and applying for them directly.
Employers post jobs directly on the portal and screen interesting applications. Under her leadership, the job matching team has filled thousands of vacancies within the state.
The team also implements internship programs, job fairs and employability skills programs to upskill young people in line with the demands of employers.

Poise Graduate Finishing Academy
Role: Chief Executive Officer
Beneficiaries: Over 30,000 unemployed youth in Lagos, Edo, Oyo, Ogun, Rivers and other Nigerian States
Endorsements: The Presidency, National Universities Commission, Multiple Reputable Employers
Kicked Off: Jan 2010
Parent Company: Poise Nigeria Limited

Ukinebo Dare setup Poise Graduate Finishing Academy with one goal, to Re-engineer the nation's Workforce. They did this by ensuring that the GAP between KNOWLEDGE gotten from formal education and the K.A.S.E required for success in life and career is bridged.
Employability Skills programs at PGFA refine and develop the individuals' Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Experiences to position them for a successful career. They have a 12-week Fulltime Employability Skills Programme (FEST), the Oxfam funded 3-week Career Kickstart program and others.
Since 2010, hundreds of employers in Nigeria have employed directly from PGFAs' employability training programs.

and seminars
Young Executive Diary published in Partnership with BusinessDay Newspapers
Wake Up (This Is Your Life)
40 First Jobs
TV and Radio Shows
Project Your Poise TV show
The Wake Up radio show
Web series
Project Your Poise
Guardian Youth Magazine

Being a skilled writer and communicator, Ukinebo Dare has applied her self to various methods for sharing Employability Skills and life skills knowledge through various hugely popular publications, TV and radio shows and seminars.
Young Executive Diary was published weekly in partnership with BusinessDay Newspapers. It was distributed Nationwide as part of the paper and taught employability skills to people with 0-2 years work experience. You can find some of the insightful columns on her blog (The Impact Blog).
40 First Jobs is a book that compiles the first job experiences of 40 Global business leaders across 4 countries. It was inspired by her desire to help young people set realistic expectations for their first jobs while maintaining their big dreams of building amazing careers. At 40 First jobs seminars, contributors share their stories directly with young people and provide career advice
Wake Up (This is your life) is a no-nonsense book of inspiration drawing directly from the lessons Ukinebo has learnt in her own life, it is an excellent resource for navigating tricky life situations.

Teaching and Certifying Employability Skills at Undergraduate Level
Certification: PSENSE Employability Certification (NUC Endorsed)
Beneficiaries: Over 6,500 undergraduates in Universities and Polytechnics
Partners: University of Lagos, Benson Idahosa University, University of Babcock among others
Activities: PSENSE training and certification, On-Campus Job fairs, Employability seminars, CV Vetting, Competitions e.t.c
Organization: Poise Graduate Finishing Academy

In addition to training and development. Ukinebo Dare has achieved a lot through advocacy and engagement with large employers, national regulatory bodies and higher institutions starting in 2010. This advocacy led to multiple brainstorming and collaborative sessions with stakeholders and the PSENSE Employability Skills Certification was developed with the input of all parties. The PSENSE Certification was endorsed by the National Universities Commission with Higher Institutions in Nigeria encouraged to leverage on it to input employability skills into their training curriculum. PGFA works with various higher institutions with much success and great impact on their students.
This PSENSE Employability certification was designed in collaboration with Biddle Consulting USA.

Technical, Vocational Skills and Blue Collar Jobs

Edo Production Center
One-stop-shop for artisans and small scale manufacturers
Role: Project Director
Vision: Mr. Godwin Obaseki
Organization: Edo State Skills Development Agency
Hosted Trades: Waste Recycling, Shoe Manufacturing, Welding, Metal Fabrication e.t.c
Partners: Bank of Industry, MADE Niger Delta, I-Edo Limited, Benson Idahosa University
Kicked off: 11th June, 2018

Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship
Vision: Mr. Godwin Obaseki
Organization: Edo State Skills Development Agency
Trades: Waste Recycling, Solar Power Installation, Shoe Manufacturing, Metal Fabrication, WoodWork and Furniture Making, Automobile Engineering e.t.c
Partners: GiZ Skye, MADE Niger Delta, GeniusHub, IFES Automobile, Natwood Factory, CADD Centre and many others
Beneficiaries: Over 30,000 people in rural and urban communities in Edo State
Kicked off: 2017

Promoting Jobs in Agriculture

Edo Food And Agri-Cluster
Vision: Mr. Godwin Obaseki, Exec Gov. Edo State
Organisation: Edo State Skills Development Agency
Partners: MADE Niger-Delta, Hills Harvest Limited, Novus Agro, Uhunmwode LGA, Edo Exporters Cluster e.t.c
Beneficiaries: Over 500 Farmers and individuals in Edo State
Kicked Off: November, 2018

Situated in a rural community, Edo-FAC attracts players across the Agriculture value chain to operate closer to the farmers. In partnership with Edojobs and EdoFAC these organizations carry out the following activities:
- Aggregation and sales
- Farmer training and extension services
- Food Processing
- Training of new entrants into the sector
There are always opportunities for partnership for oragnizations interested in carrying out any of these activities at Edo-FAC